Monday, January 12, 2009

The Penny Stock Newsletter Exposed

Who else wants an actual penny stock newsletter they can trust? I do not know about you, but I have come across my fair share of websites offering free penny stocks lists lately. Believe me, I know how tempting these can be to someone who is just getting started with penny stocks. The idea of quick cash and little effort is very difficult to pass up.

Do not get me wrong, penny stocks are not impossible to figure out. They are by no means rocket science. Once you learn some of the fundamentals, making the right picks is not hard. The key is actually learning these fundamentals and staying away from all the "shiny" offerings online.

The Free Penny Stock Newsletter, Explained...

The reason I seem so wary of free penny stock newsletter is because I have seen many young investors flounder with them. You must understand that websites which offer free stock picks are almost always biased in some way or another.

Some growing companies (penny stock companies) will actually pay websites to "promote" them by recommending their stocks. These websites "promote" these company's stocks by telling YOU to invest in them. I am sure you can see the problems that can arise out of this.

There ARE a type of penny stock newsletter which will actually give you unbiased, valuable information on the right penny stocks to invest in. The hook is that you need to actually pay a subscription fee.

I do recommend subscribing to this type of newsletter if you are completely new to penny stocks. This will show you what to look for in growing companies while making some fairly good profits at the same time.

Have you taken the Doubling Stocks Scam Challenge?

Learn how Frank earned about $30,000 in his first 10 months as a penny stocks investor! Click Here

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